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[WVC 테솔 뉴스] 4월 18일 ~ 22일까지는 지구 주간 기념의 날!

April 7, 2022


Wenatchee Valley College will be celebrating Earth Day with a week of events celebrating sustainability and the natural world. All events are free and open to the public.


April 18:

Climate Action Monday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. around the fountain. Non-profit and community partners will be in attendance, including 350.org, Café, Link Transit, and Plug-in NCW, who will feature electric vehicles, solar-powered displays, and carbon footprint reduction activities.


April 19: 

Terrain Tuesday marks the 5th annual Earth Day Poetry contest from 1-2 pm. at The Grove Recital Hall. After visiting English classes at WVC the morning, Canadian Ecopoet Matt Rader will be giving a reading alongside the winner of the WVC Student Earth Day Poetry Contest. For more information about the poetry contest contact WVC English Faculty Derek Sheffield at dsheffield@wvc.edu.


April 20: 

Zero Waste Wednesday promotes reducing waste and responsible consumption. Waste Loop will conduct a waste audit between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to see what and how much WVC throws away and recycles. Sustainable NCW will be tabling and demonstrate their Waste Wizard tool to students.


April 21: 

Thankful Thursday is a time to show gratitude for natural resources and the well- being we get from spending time in nature. Join us at the Student Recreation Center between 10 am. to 1 pm. The rec center will offer incentives for students, staff, and faculty to use the eco-workout machines that generate energy into the power grid. Cascadia Conservation District, Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, and Washington Native Plant Society will present on forest health, habitat improvement, and responsible recreation. These community partners are also offering a wildflower walk and native plant scavenger hunt at Jacobsen Preserve trail in Wenatchee from 5:30 pm.


April 22: 

Earth Day and Slow Fashion Friday. WVC will host a sewing repair studio and partner with the YWCA NCW to hold a clothing swap near the fountain from 10 am. to 2 pm. There will also be free lunch at noon courtesy of the Associated Students of WVC. Community partner Wenatchee River Institute will be tabling around the fountain to promote their annual Trashion Show that evening at 5:30 pm. in the WRI Red Barn.



Calendar of Events | Wenatchee River Institute

There is always something going on at the Wenatchee River Institute! Check out our calendar to see what's coming up.



There are also virtual film screenings being planned, related to the daily themes during Earth Week. Dates and times for each film will be announced on the Sustainability Events webpage.